While a government can’t really create a good economy, that’s for the private sector to do, it can, however, do things to harm an economy. That’s why Trump’s economy was so good. He got rid of all the job-crushing regulations and taxes that were keeping our economic growth low.
Right now, North Dakota residents are finding this out the hard way.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERThe Biden administration put a freeze on new gas an oil leases on federal land and water. Forget the fact that nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the federal government is allowed to own land, that’s for another story. But since the federal government “claims” to own land they provide, or in this case, halted the issuing of leases for exploration for new gas and oil, which is the life’s blood of our economy.
North Dakota is suing the Biden administration for halting the leases because it cost the Flickertail State tens of millions of dollars so far, and that adds up every day.
On Wednesday, the lawsuit was filed with the US District Court for the District of North Dakota Western Division that argues President Biden’s freezing of lease sales in their state is unlawful. The filing alleges that the US Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) illegally suspended gas and oil lease auctions in North Dakota. If the judge is not a corrupt Democrat, the state may have a chance at justice.
North Dakota is seeking to have the BLM reschedule the lost lease sales and they want a prevention of the agency from blocking future sales.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELAccording to North Dakota, the two sales that were canceled this year cost the state over $80 million in lost revenue, and the state argues that if the leases aren’t reinstated in the coming months that loss could rise into the billions of dollars as it is the second largest crude oil producer in the United States and a large part of its tax revenue comes from gas and oil production.
“Oil and gas production are central to North Dakota’s economy and the welfare of its citizens, responsible for 54% of the value of the State’s economy, generating approximately 76% of the State’s tax revenue and creating approximately 66,000 good-paying jobs in the State,” according to the complaint.
Wayne Stenehjem, North Dakota’s Attorney General said in a statement, “I have taken this action to protect North Dakota’s economy, the jobs of our hard-working citizens, and North Dakota’s rights to control its own natural resources.”
The federal government thinks it owns the natural resources of the United States.
“Without following the legally required procedures, BLM arbitrarily canceled the March and June lease auctions and shows every sign of continuing to violate its statutory duties,” Stenehjem’s statement read.
“In addition to being a foolish idea, President Biden’s moratorium on oil and gas leasing on public lands is illegal,” North Dakota Republican Senator Kevin Cramer said in a statement on the issue. “It increases federal and state budget shortfalls, hampers state and private mineral owners’ rights, and makes the United States less energy independent and more reliant on foreign producers who are not all good actors, like Russia, Saudi Arabia, or Venezuela.”
For all the nonsense thrown at former President Donald Trump about colluding with Russia, Biden has gone out of his way to help the little gargoyle Vladimir Putin by waiving sanctions on a Russian pipeline company that allowed the construction of the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline into Germany to continue.
North Dakota’s lawsuit isn’t unique. A federal judge last month temporarily blocked Biden’s suspension of gas and oil leasing on public land and water in Louisiana, and the judge said that his ruling applied nationwide.
The ND AG said, “I welcome and support the Louisiana federal district court’s decision, and I look forward to defending North Dakota’s vital interests in its natural resources and continuing to put the pressure on the Federal government to do the right thing for our state.”
Biden froze gas and oil lease sales in January right after he “won” the White House, alleging climate change concerns as the reason for shutting down the leases. Millions of American lives will be harmed across the United States because President House Plant believes human beings are unwittingly causing the climate to change.