For those of you who think speaking up to your officials doesn’t make a difference, here’s a story that should be grabbing the attention of all Americans who have questions about what the so-called science “experts” are telling us about the COVID-19 virus.
Mt. Vernon school officials in Hancock County, Indiana, held off a scheduled update that was proposed for its health and safety protocols and they will consider other parts of the existing plan after receiving feedback from a room full of parents and a physician who seemed to have a lot of factual information that you won’t hear anywhere else in the manner in which he presented it.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERA debate began after the school district recorded three COVID-19 cases and 72 close contacts since the start of the school year a little over a week ago.
Adopted back in May and then modified in July, the school system relies on the absentee rate due to combined illnesses of students and staff in a building to trigger certain requirements that include things like masking, strengthening sanitizing practices and in cases of a large number of absences, contacting the Hancock Health Department about closing down a school.
On Friday, the Mt. Vernon school board held a special meeting in the afternoon and evening to think about adding to the procedure numbers of COVID positive people per building to signify triggers for the requirements as well.
The board’s plan already addresses procedures for reporting COVID-19 cases, contact tracing and investigation, and including isolation for people who test positive, and sending close contacts into quarantine. These procedures all come from the Indiana Department of Health measures that are referred to in a state executive order. Included in the measures are avoidance of quarantines for close contacts who have been fully vaccinated and shorter quarantines for close contacts who test negatively if they mask up and socially distance for the remainder of their quarantine.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELIn the Indiana back-to-school guidance, recently added was that fully vaccinated close contacts don’t have to quarantine, they should war a mask until they get back negative results from testing.
They define a close contact as anyone within 6 feet of someone infected with COVID-19 for a total of at least 15 minutes within a 24-hour period.
There is a federal mandate that requires masks to be worn on school buses. I’ve love for someone to show me where in the US Constitution it gives the federal government the authority to create a federal mandate on COVID anything.
Mt. Vernon currently encourages people to wear masks in buildings but requires masks in buildings under tiers orange and red, which as the most severe of the color system with orange representing a 16 percent absentee rate from combined sickness of students and safe in an individual building with 20 percent representing red.
Nine people, mostly parents, from the audience spoke out against the district’s health and safety protocols during the meeting. They expressed concerns over a lack of education opportunities for quarantined students. Many voiced their frustrations over the never-ending changes of recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the NIH and others, and the impacts of student emotional and mental health over virtual learning and wearing masks all day long, and including their loss of personal freedoms.
Many parents talked of how the COVID-19 mitigation procedures have been so politicized, especially when we learn of the low numbers of child mortality rates from COVID. Kids don’t get affected badly by COVID, so the parents wanted to know if and how the school would enforce the measures they listed.
After a number of parents complained about things like their child being quarantined for hours in the school without the parents being notified, another person, a doctor, stepped up to the microphone to speak to the board.
Dr. Dan Stock, a McCordsville resident and family medicine physician, let the Mt. Vernon board know that the measures they implemented are those they are thinking of adding are not useful at all.
Dr. Stock said the Indiana Department of Health and CDC recommendations are “contrary to the rules of science.” That’s something a lot of people have been saying, but the news media and social media tech tyrants have been going with the CDC and the like, probably because they either don’t know any better or they are in on the scam with them.
Stock said in response to another question as to how we can be 18 months into this and still have a problem, saying “I suggest we still have a problem because we’re doing things that are not useful,” he said. “And we’re getting our sources of information from the Interstate Board of Health and the CDC who actually don’t bother reading science before they do this.”
At that point, some heads lifted, and people started to pay attention.
The doctor went on to give give credentials as a medical doctor and said that in his practice he is specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation. He added, “Everything being recommended by the CDC and the state board of health is actually contrary to all the rules of science.”
Stock then went on to explain of the coronavirus and all other respiratory viruses that “they are spread by aerosol particles which are small enough to go through every mask. By the way, the literature that supports all of that is in a flash drive that we presented to you and it has been given to the secretary.”
The doctor pointed out that the current rise in the virus counts in the middle of the summer season is not normal at all, because summer is a time when respiratory viral syndromes are typically at their lowest. He pointed out that vitamin D3 levels are at their highest during summer, which is why viral syndromes break out during the winter months because people are not outside in the sun as much getting the necessary D3.
He went on to point out a COVID outbreak last months in Provincetown, Massachusetts where the majority of people included vaccinated individuals.
He said something I’ve been saying for some time now, but people don’t listen to me and I don’t blame them because I never went to medical school, but Dr. Stock did. It’s a very simple concept that most people never think about. Stock said that vaccines do not prevent infection of a virus. They just prevent the symptoms.
If you think about it, the virus isn’t what kills you. It’s your own body’s response to the virus that kills you. Whenever you get a cold, what happens? Your nose gets stuffy, your throat gets scratchy, you start coughing. You might get a fever. None of that is directly because of the virus, it’s your body’s immune system response to the virus. Take away your body’s response to the virus (the symptoms) and the virus is harmless. And that’s wwhat a vaccine is supposed to do. Your body recognizes the virus the next time it enters and knows it’s not a threat so you get no symptoms.
He said that the guidance they are taking from the CDC is why we cannot make the viruses go away saying, “The natural history of all the respiratory viruses is that they circulate all year long waiting for the immune system to get sick through the winter, or become deranged as has happened recently with these vaccines, and then they cause symptomatic disease.”
It’s makes perfect sense. Viruses are here all year long, but because of the sun during the summer months people’s immune systems defeat them because of the D3 from the sun strengthening them. And it’s only during the winter when most people stay inside most of the time due to the cold weather than the viruses, that are around all year long, can get into people and stay, since they lack the D3 necessary to fight it off.
How come not a single so-called “expert” science person on CNN or MSNBC ever told us that? They are the dopes who keep telling us we should have mask mandates and lockdowns.
“So you cannot stop spread, you cannot make these numbers that you’ve planned on get better by doing any of the things that you’re doing,” he said. “Because that is the nature of viral respiratory pathogens. And you can’t prevent it with a vaccine because they don’t do the very thing you’re wanting them to do. And you will be chasing this through the remainder of your life until you recognize the Centers for Disease Control and the Indiana State Board of Health are giving you very bad scientific guidance.”
In the end, he told the board that the information they were getting from the CDC, the NIH, and the interstate board is “counter factual.”
Watch this video and you will gain a better working knowledge on COVID than apparently most of the “experts” at the CDC.
Democrats: "You need to listen to the doctors and the sciencists!"
Me: "Okay how about this doctor?"
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) August 9, 2021
Dr. Dan Stock should become a spokesman for fighting COVID against the worthless CDC. But they’ll never listen to him, because as the good doctor alluded to, they are giving out bad science. I say they’re not about science at all, they’re about using the COVID virus to control you.