Colin Kaepernick, the kneeler, hasn’t played football in an NFL game since January 1, 2017. And I think we all know the reason for that. Some people say he’s the guy who ruined NFL football while others believe it started before Kaepernick with woke leftist sports announcers on networks like ESPN and Kaepernick was just the final straw. Maybe it was a combination of the two, I don’t know. But what I do know is I never used to watch college football but I have ever since the whole kneeling thing for the national anthem and the US flag began.
Having grown up in Philadelphia, I was a huge Philadelphia Eagles fan. I couldn’t get enough Eagles football. I would watch every Eagles game and could feel the anticipation of each week’s game day before the contest. I hated bye weeks. But that all changed when Colin Kaepernick started to kneel during the national anthem and nearly every NFL team had players who supported him and started to do the same.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERIt seems the wokety woke woke former San Francisco 49ers quarterback who once led his team to a Super Bowl is staying in shape in case a team wants to give him a chance at coming back into the fold. He recently told Ebony magazine that he is still training to be prepared.
“Absolutely. I am still up at 5 a.m. training five, six days a week making sure I’m prepared to take a team to a Super Bowl again,” he said. “That’s not something I will ever let go of, regardless of the actions of 32 teams and their partners to deny me employment. The same way I was persistent in high school is the same way I’m gonna be persistent here.
“And you’re gonna have to continue to deny me and do so in a public way. And you’re gonna expose yourself by that, but it won’t be because I’m not ready or not prepared.”
His persistence is what may keep him out of the game. There is a perception that he was not worth the trouble he brings to the game. NFL game attendance was down and NFL ratings suffered tremendously because of what he started. The American people do not like it when spoiled multimillionaires use sports to shove political statements down their throats. Sports fans get enough activist politics thrown at them every day of their life. People watch sports to get away from the daily deluge of politics.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELSports is still the last place in America where God-given talents prevail. It doesn’t matter who you are, so long as you produce results, you will reap the rewards. No matter your race, creed, or color, sports is a true meritocracy and Americans resent it when sports players inject politics into the games they love the watch.
Leftists are now trying to destroy all sports by having biological males who, through a recognized mental disorder [gender dysphoria], believe they are female, play in female sports. People don’t like unfair advantages in anything and especially in sports.
Most Americans have no problem with players being political activists and lending their celebrity to whatever cause they take on when they do it on their own time. It’s when they invoke their politics during game time, which is the fans’ time, that it turns them off completely. And every time it happens, the numbers show it. Look at the recent Olympics, where so many woke athletes who had the privilege of representing the United States of America openly trashed the country in front of the world. The ratings showed the fans hate it. Some try to claim it’s because of COVID that numbers were down. We’re not talking about people showing up at events. We’re talking about people watching on TV from their living rooms.
Unfortunately for Kaepernick, just like a little over a year ago, no teams have contacted him yet. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, especially now in the post woke world in which we live where someone who hates America is celebrated.
And it’s not like he wasn’t already given a chance to stay working in the NFL. Back in 2016, the Denver Broncos offered Kaepernick a job, and he turned it down. According to how it was reported at the time of the negotiations, the Broncos offered Kaepernick a $7 million contract. He was slated to get $11.9 million from the 49ers. The Broncos asked the 49ers to make up the $4.9 million difference, and they declined. Kaepernick did not want to give up the $4.9 million. Many people believe Kaepernick started the kneeling thing because he feared he was going to be let go for bad performance that year. Who would fire a black sports celebrity who says he won’t stand for the national anthem or honor our flag because police are beating on black people? Your political beliefs aside, that was a power move Kaepernick played and apparently it didn’t work out for him.
In 2018, John Elway, who at that time was the Bronco’s GM, was asked if the team would offer Kaepernick a job and he said no.
“Colin had his chance to be here,” Elway said. “We offered him a contract. He didn’t take it.”