Instant revisionism is a wonderful thing. You get to claim that you never did anything wrong. You live in a world with perpetual do-overs. You don’t have to care about facts and figures because they don’t exist in a world like that.
This is what’s happening right now. The Biden administration is on a gaslighting campaign to manipulate the American people into thinking that their economic policies have improved the lives of everyday Americans because they strengthened our economy.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERThe Biden regime is trumpeting their purported Economic Blueprint. In this rewriting of history, the administration is saying that the first two years of Joe Biden‘s term as president were the two most productive years, economically, in history. It is almost as if mental patients are running the country. The people who write these things do not live in the same reality as the rest of us.
The 58-page document was released by the White House on Friday. On top of cock-a-doodle-do bragging about job and wage gains, it also touched on “bold action” from the Biden administration that is a result of the country recovering from the devastating losses brought by Democrat COVID-19 lockdowns.
Biden’s handlers also took to social media under the official @POTUS Twitter account and made the claim that the president’s first 2 years in office have “spurred the strongest economic recovery in recent history.”
My first two years in office spurred the strongest economic recovery in recent history. Today, I'm releasing my Economic Blueprint, a look at how our wins are rebuilding an economy that works for working families.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELIt's long. So here are the big things:
— President Biden (@POTUS) September 9, 2022
I am wondering what color is the sky in Biden’s made up world? Folks, we know that millions of Americans are hurting. Inflation caused by Democrat spending is at record highs. As of this writing, the powers that be say our inflation rate is at 8.5%. I think they’re lying. I think inflation is beyond 10% but I’m just one silly voice. In July, inflation was reported at 9.1%, a record high. So how on Lucifer’s black beach can the administration claim the economy is good? Is it because gasoline prices are starting to come down below $4 a gallon, only 60 days away from the midterm elections (wink wink)?
Biden Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, another clod who either lies for the administration or is in over her head, spoke in Michigan about the president’s economic plan.
“Our plan, powered by the Inflation Reduction Act, represents the largest investment in fighting climate change in our country’s history, and it will put us well on our way toward a future where we depend on the wind, the sun and other clean sources of energy,” Yellen said. “We will reduce ourselves from our current dependence on fossil fuels and the whims of autocrats like Putin.”
Does anyone believe any of that is true? The Inflation Reduction Act is a disaster. There are many things in it that do not reduce inflation and were not even supposed to. For example, the Inflation Reduction Act adds taxes on fossil fuels, medicines, small businesses, and pensions. This is the same bill that spends $80 billion hiring 87,000 new IRS agents. Do you think those agents are going after the Democrats’ rich donor friends? Not on your life. They’re coming after you, mom and pop business owners.
If the Biden regime implements it, this one piece of legislation may be the thing that makes the whole economy come crumbling down.
The administration is telling us that everything’s great, but Americans are still feeling the effects of 40-year high inflation and high gas prices.
“The recent trifecta of legislation our administration has signed into law will strengthen the foundations of long-term growth at the core of our post-pandemic economy,” Yellen gaslighted. “Our economy continues to expand and is upgrading above levels that would have been predicted pre-pandemic. It’s fair to say by any traditional metric, we have experienced one of the quickest recoveries in our modern history.”
People are getting jobs because businesses are finally coming back after the pandemic, and I would argue illegal, lockdowns that have nothing to do with Biden’s economic policies. It’s despite them. The jobs they are getting are not keeping up with inflation and energy costs. Many people are worried they won’t be able to heat their homes this winter, and the president is doing a victory dance. There is no better evidence that Joe Biden and the members of his administration are out of touch with everyday Americans.
The administration says their blueprint is built on five ideas they claim will help American workers.
From One America News:
The first idea is to empower workers by expanding jobs and wages. The idea also plans on giving people the power to unionize. The second idea is to make and build in America by investing in infrastructure and innovation in so-called clean energy and buying in America. The third idea is to give families what they call breathing room by lowering costs and allowing greater access to prescription drugs as well as by creating more affordable healthcare and childcare. The next idea is increasing competitiveness in the American industry by opening up corporation control and raising up small businesses. The last idea is by rewarding working class Americans by reforming taxes to ensure that household tax on those making less than $400,000 a year are never raised.
Many people on social media were not convinced of the president’s touting his first two years in office, creating a great economy.
Talk show host and author Tim Young described Biden supporters succinctly:
“The people who actually believe that Biden has created a, “strong economic recovery” still wear masks alone in their cars.”
The people who actually believe that Biden has created a, "strong economic recovery" still wear masks alone in their cars.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) September 9, 2022
“- Almost 40% can’t afford to put $ in savings – CC balances jump $46 Billion – Gallup’s ‘Suffering Index’ hits record highs – Disposable income down for 18 straight months – Food prices up 16% – Mortgage rates hit highest level since ’08 – 40% of SB’s can’t make rent”
– Almost 40% can't afford to put $ in savings
– CC balances jump $46 Billion
– Gallup's "Suffering Index" hits record highs
– Disposable income down for 18 straight months
– Food prices up 16%
– Mortgage rates hit highest level since '08
– 40% of SB's can't make rent— David Giglio (@DavidGiglioCA) September 9, 2022
“- US household net worth falls over $6 trillion in Q2. – Average cost to raise a family up 9% – 70% of Americans say US is on ‘wrong track'”
– US household net worth falls over $6 trillion in Q2.
– Average cost to raise a family up 9%
– 70% of Americans say US is on "wrong track"— David Giglio (@DavidGiglioCA) September 9, 2022
“Inflation is at a 40-year high, the housing market is getting ready to crash, the stock market has been shown to be very corrupt and your man Gensler does nothing. FBI and DOJ have lost all respect. The border crisis and crime are out of control. Democrats are grooming children”
Inflation is at a 40-year high, the housing market is getting ready to crash, the stock market has been shown to be very corrupt and your man Gensler does nothing. FBI and DOJ have lost all respect. The border crisis and crime are out of control. Democrats are grooming children
— The Old Man (@Tothemoon20221) September 10, 2022
“It’s pretty sad when you & every DEM governor force the country to shut down & PAY PEOPLE NOT TO WORK for 18 mos, & then when you finally open things up again &pull the plug on free $ during the worst inflation in more than 50 years, you can claim job growth? Pathetic.”
“You must be smoking something like your VP. You have built the worst economy in US history.Inflation in double digits and Americans having a difficult time finding food they can’t afford. Gas prices that over 25% of our personal income, supply chain issues baby food shortages,WOW”
You must be smoking something like your VP. You have built the worst economy in US history.Inflation in double digits and Americans having a difficult time finding food they can’t afford. Gas prices that over 25% of our personal income, supply chain issues baby food shortages,WOW
— Robert Kozloski (@RobertKozloski) September 10, 2022
“Looks like you’ve been asleep at the switch and haven’t been paying attention the negative impact you are having on the people. But, hey, Hunter is still not in jail so there is that .”
Looks like you've been asleep at the switch and haven't been paying attention the negative impact you are having on the people. But, hey, Hunter is still not in jail so there is that .
— Joseph Michelotti (@ChiefMich85) September 10, 2022
“With all your spending. I may not have anymore money left – remember all these bills and acts. – the American people are paying for it. I am not ok with all this spending. Unless it’s for border control, the military or police !!!”
With all your spending. I may not have anymore money left – remember all these bills and acts. – the American people are paying for it. I am not ok with all this spending. Unless it’s for border control, the military or police !!!
— DBW (@DBW73887005) September 10, 2022
It looks like a lot of people aren’t buying it. This is what can happen when you live in a world with instant revisionism. Sometimes you forget that you’re full of sh*t.