A letter was written by 24 Republican attorneys general where they warned the top credit card companies to not begin tracking gun purchases in gun shops across the country.
What’s going on is the Democrats want to create a gun registry of American citizens who exercise their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Their aggressive plan is to get rid of the filibuster rule in the Senate so that they can ram through a “universal background checks” bill that would violate the Second Amendment by giving the federal government access to people’s credit card statements that would show a gun purchase. Depending on the amount of the purchase, the government would be able to figure out what type of gun was bought. For example, if a purchase at a gun store amounted to anywhere between $500 to $1,000 they would figure it’s a handgun. A purchase ranging from anywhere between $1,500 and $3,000 would be a rifle. The Democrats would automatically label it an AR-15, the bogeyman of leftists everywhere.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERThe democrats simply cannot figure out what the combination of four simple words means: shall not be infringed.
The state AGs sent the letter to Visa, Mastercard, and American Express with the argument that the data is likely to be misused and abused and will do nothing that leads to Americans becoming safer, reported the Wall Street Journal.
The credit card companies said that their new policy won’t prevent gun purchases from happening but will create a database of each purchase.
I’m sorry, but this has the stink of Democrats all over it. What are they creating the database for? What do they think will be done with the data?
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELIn the same manner that the Biden administration has been holding weekly censorship meetings with the social media tech tyrants, it seems that they are colluding with credit card companies to create a gun purchase registry for the federal government and that is a clear violation of American’s constitutional rights. And I don’t put it past them to do the same here for a gun registry.
When the government gets in cahoots with private corporations to do its bidding, because the government is not allowed to do whatever the behavior is, that’s called fascism. Government using corporations to do its dirty work for it is fascism.
On Saturday, Senate Republicans wrote a similar letter to credit card companies. A dozen Republican senators led by Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) made the argument that these companies are overreaching their authority.
“This decision, which is already being hailed by radical anti-gun activists, is the first step towards backdoor gun control on law-abiding Americans,” the senators wrote to the credit card company CEOs. “Any change that seeks to impact a United States citizen’s ability to legally purchase a firearm belongs with Congress, not payment networks, international standard-setting organizations, or the financial institutions that some of you serve.”
“You are choosing to insert yourselves into this political debate – which should only be fought at the ballot box and in Congress – and in doing so, you are making clear that you are more than unbiased network operators seeking to maximize value for your customers and shareholders. You have become antigun activists yourselves, wittingly or not,” the senators continued.
“The creation of a Merchant Category Code for sales at U.S. gun stores will not only not accomplish its intended goal, but is rife for misuse and abuse,” Attorney General Schmitt said. “Missourians value their Second Amendment rights and oppose any attempts to create a de-facto gun registry. I’m proud to stand up for those rights and will oppose this decision by the major credit card companies at every turn.”
The letter read, “The new code will not protect public safety. Categorizing the constitutionally protected right to purchase firearms unfairly singles out law-abiding merchants and consumers alike. First, efforts to track and monitor sales at gun stores would only result in vague and misleading information. This categorization would not recognize the difference, for example, between the purchase of a gun safe and a firearm. Nor would it capture firearm purchases made at department stores, resulting in arbitrarily disparate treatment of “gun store” merchants and consumers.”
“More importantly, purposefully tracking this information can only result in its misuse, either unintentional or deliberate. Creating and tracking this data only matters if your institutions are considering using that information to take further, harmful action—like infringing upon consumer privacy, inhibiting constitutionally protected purchases by selectively restricting the use of your payment systems, or otherwise withholding your financial services from targeted “disfavored” merchants.”
This is how the Nazis were able to take control of Germany so quickly. Before they took power, the Weimar Republic created a gun registry. They told the people that it would make them safer because if a crime was committed by someone with a gun in their neighborhood, the government would be able to home in on likely suspects by knowing who owed a firearm in the community. They may have even believed it would provide benefits to the German people. But then the Nazis got elected to power and they immediately used the gun registry to go door to door and collect the German people’s guns.
Every tyrant dictator throughout history has taken control of his people by first disarming them. There are 300 million guns in the United States. The Democrats know that and that fact is the only reason we do not have more gulags than the DC Gitmo. Think of the tyranny the Democrats would put us through if they knew the people were disarmed. They locked us down, forced us to wear masks, social distance, and they screwed with our children and all without causing arms to be risen. Think of what these evil people would try if they knew the people were disarmed.
Total morons like New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams gave the Weimar approach saying that the move makes “common sense” and that a gun registry of this type will make it easier for law enforcement to investigate certain gun purchases. All gun purchases in all 50 states ahve to go through a background check already.
“When you buy an airline ticket or pay for your groceries, your credit card company has a special code for those retailers. It’s just common sense that we have the same policies in place for gun and ammunition stores,” Adams said earlier this month. The difference is airline tickets and groceries are not protected by an Amendment found in the Bill of Rights. Adams would know this if he had a triple-digit IQ.
Republicans have warned the credit card companies that they will take action against them if they move forward with their plans to create a gun registry for the Democrats and other leftist anti Second Amendment radicals. It would be contingent on the GOP taking control of Congress in the midterm elections.
Folks, if the Democrats succeed in their fascist plans to create a gun registry it won’t be just your Second Amendment rights that will disappear. Once the Second Amendment is destroyed, you will watch all of your other rights be taken away one by one and you can take that to the bank. Just don’t use a credit card.