Samuel Bankman-Fried‘s scam cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, gave $18.25 million to early COVID-19 researchers, where the results cast doubt on the benefits of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients. This was the beginning of the serious corruption of medical science spanning the globe. Either for the Great Reset or a total fascist domination over the world, leaders in the United States and around the world began faking studies that would nurture their political motives and goals.
A press release issued on May 16 says that the FTX Foundation gave an initial grant of $3.25 million and then gave another grant of $15 million after that.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERRoss Rheingans-Yoo from the FTX Foundation said, “The FTX Foundation is excited to commit $15 million to fund additional trial arms in the TOGETHER Trial and its growing global network of sister trials.”
“Our initial $3.25 million grant to expand the trial network’s core infrastructure has helped bring the model from Brazil to key sites across the globe, and we look forward to finding further opportunities to support the consortium’s growth and help prevent future pandemics,” he added..
TOGETHER Trial’s research included a study that said the benefits of ivermectin for COVID-19 patients were not clear and a study that said hydroxychloroquine didn’t help reduce hospitalizations. Both studies had an impact on political debates about whether to use cheaper, more traditional treatments or expensive mRNA injections made by big drug companies like Pfizer, Moderna, and others.
Early on in the pandemic, both drugs were talked about as possible treatments for people with the COVID virus. However, when President Donald Trump and podcaster Joe Rogan came out in support of them, the use of the treatments quickly became divisive on a political level. Drs. Fauci and Birx put the word out and that convinced mainstream doctors and the fake news media rushed to discredit the cheap, safe drugs that have been used for decades to treat a wide range of diseases. Dr. Gilmar Reis was in charge of both of these projects.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELClick here to see an April 2022 article in the New England Journal of Medicine about ivermectin.
And you can click here to read the hydroxychloroquine study from September 2021.
Metformin and fluvoxamine are also looked at in the “TOGETHER Trial” research, which is funded by the FTX Foundation. The website lists FTX as a trial sponsor, and FTX is the only sponsor listed on the homepage of the organization.
Since we now know that FTX was involved in a scam by selling crypto coins to investors, but without the investor’s knowledge, there were no coins. FTX was basically selling them IOUs. They used that money to level loans in the millions and then sent that money to Ukraine and somehow got Ukraine to invest in FTX. They then used that money to fund all the Democrats’ midterm election campaigns. And at least one RINO Republican, Kevin McCarthy, who is slated to be the next Speaker of the House, who received FTX funding and used it to run campaigns AGAINST America First MAGA Republican candidates in the primaries.
So isn’t it strange that the same company that funded the Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections also funded so-called research that ended up giving the Democrats a narrative against treating COVID with cheaper drugs than the drugs that their pals in the Pharmaceutical industry were peddling in a vaccine? Could it be that FTX was used for a hell of a lot more to help the Democrats push their evil agenda on America?
Folks, if it can be proven that the Democrats got funded by FTX to push the lie that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not effective treatments against COVID, it begs the question of why did they do it? Was it to make it appear that there was no cure for COVID so that more and more deaths would occur so that they could blame all those deaths on Trump to defeat him in 2020? We already know that the same company that ran a scam through Ukraine to fund Democrat campaigns also funded COVID trials that resulted in the big lie that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not effective treatments. It’s not a great leap to believe that the Democrats did things to allow more people to die just to win an election.