Elon Musk emphasized a “creepy” detail in a new interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci that was published by the New York Times on Thursday.
The New York Times published an interview with Dr. Fauci before his retirement from the federal government, which officially begins on January 1, in which he confessed that his personal office is filled with portraits and sketches of himself.
The walls in Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s home office are adorned with portraits of him, drawn and painted by some of his many fans. The most striking one is by the singer Joan Baez.
The two of them, he said, “have become pretty good friends over the years.” Dr. Fauci seemed a little uncomfortable with people knowing about the pictures. He said that previously, when they were captured on camera, the “far right” attacked him as an “egomaniac.” If someone goes to the trouble of sending him a portrait of himself, he said, he would “feel like I’m disrespecting them” if he discarded it.
Knowing Fauci, he may just put some of them up on eBay.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELMusk, now the world’s second-richest person, drew attention to the detail on Friday, calling it “creepy” in a tweet. Musk then made fun of Fauci, tweeting out, “Maybe he just loves looking at science?”
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 30, 2022
Remember, Fauci said when you disagree with him, you are disagreeing with science, because Dr. Fauci is science. #EyeRoll
Maybe he just loves looking at science?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 30, 2022
Fauci, who has run the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, announced his resignation from the government in August. He probably wanted to get out of DC before the subpoenas came. He is looking at getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer-funded retirement compensation each year. That’s the reward you get for allegedly killing millions of people around the world with your involvement and gain of function research.
Don’t forget that when COVID first started, Fauci told the world that you shouldn’t be bothered with worrying about wearing a mask. Then, after the Democrats told him that it was a potential gold mine, and a chance to get rid of Donald Trump, Fauci did a total 180, on a dime, and started preaching the urgent need to wear a mask.
In an interview with the New York Times, Fauci stated that his post-government career plans include authoring a memoir and serving in advising roles as needed.
I think he should be brought up on charges for lying to Congress when he said he was not involved in gain of function research or funding the Wuhan Lab.
On top of that, Fauci reiterated his status as a registered political Independent and said that he is willing to engage with House Republicans on government oversight — but he took a dig at them.
“I have no problem testifying before the Congress. I have nothing to hide. I could easily explain and justify everything I’ve done,” Fauci said. “So they’re making a big to-do about it, but I respect the concept of oversight.”
Notice that Fauci said “House” Republicans and not Senate Republicans where Senator Rand Paul, also a medical doctor, caught him lying about being involved in gain of function research.
Once he is out of government you will see the slow trickle begin from the misinformation fake news media where they begin to describe all the horrific things this man has done over the course of his decades in government. Things like doing experiments on children and puppies, gain of function research, and a lot of other things, I suspect. They won’t say a word now because he was on their team, but mark my words, they will chime in soon, and we will be there to cover it.
Dr. Fauci will go down in history as a dark and evil little scumbag who profited from his work, and from the work of others he fired and took the rewards of their work. He will be known as the government doctor who lied nearly every step of the COVID pandemic. He would do us all a favor and just go away and remain quiet.