Degenerates sexually attracted to children may soon be granted special treatment as a protected class in Minnesota, thanks to a new Democratic bill.
The Human Rights Act is a Minnesota state legislation that prohibits discrimination in “employment, housing, public accommodations, public services, education, credit, and business” and is implemented by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.
The statute now states in Subdivision 44 under “363A.03 Definitions” that “‘Sexual orientation’ does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult.”
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERTransvestic state Rep. Leigh Finke (D-St. Paul), selected “Woman of the Year” by USA Today, proposed HF 1655, called the “Take Pride Act,” which was apparently integrated into the Judiciary Policy omnibus bill.
The bill’s stated goal is to alter the Human Rights Act, “creating a separate definition for gender identity[,] removing certain sections of the human rights act that allow for discrimination based on sexual orientation,” and making a range of other modifications to existing law.
Finke’s bill expressly targets Subdivision 44, removing the statement that “sexual orientation” – a legally protected class — includes pedophiles.
Finke has defended his policy, claiming that the clarification implied a relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia. According to him, the bill “updates outdated language that incorrectly ties pedophilia to a person’s sexual orientation.”
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL“Nothing in the bill changes or weakens any crimes against children, or the state’s ability to prosecute those who break the law,” Finke said. “Of course, pedophilia is not a sexual orientation. The language never should have been included in the statutory definition in the first place. Crimes against children are located in Minnesota’s criminal statutes, and again, they remain unchanged.”
There are laws in place regarding numerous crimes against children and sex crimes in general, but it is uncertain whether unactioned pedophilia could be understood to have protected status as a result of Finke’s suggestion.
According to RedState, while pedophilia is not a “sexual orientation,” it is “exactly what the language says.”
According to Alpha News, Republicans plan to respond with an amendment emphasizing that adults with “a physical or sexual attachment to children” are not a protected class under the Human Rights Act.
“Under the Human Rights Act, the definition of sexual orientation says that sexual orientation does not include physical or sexual attraction to children by an adult — or, more simply put, pedophilia,” Lisa Demuth (R) who is the Minnesota House Minority Leader, said in a statement. “The Democrats’ decision to strike this language is disturbing and inexplicable.”
“House Republicans will be presenting an amendment today to clarify that pedophilia is absolutely not a protected class under the Human Rights Act. We sincerely hope Democrats will join us in ensuring our children are protected,” Demuth, a mother of four, added.
I wouldn’t expect too many Democrats to agree. They support groomers in classrooms and drag queen happy hours where little kids are brought into bars by their dipwad parents to be part of the lunacy.
Either their attempt to include pedophilia is a throwaway item to make it appear that the rest of the alphabet goobers appear normal, or these people have gone fully off the rails, toys-in-the-attic, bat-guano crazy and no longer care about being exposed.
Finke said on Twitter on Wednesday that the anger over his bill was unfair and that he is “hurt and scared.”
Fink took to social media to cloud what happened.
“So much cruelty. For what? For a one minute floor debate on a 2 line amendment that received a unanimous vote. Literally. No. Controversy. Folks could have listened, but they didn’t want to. They instead used the opportunity to amplify the hatred of trans people.”
The amount of time taken to debate is as irrelevant as the number of lines written. No one hated the mentally ill trans people. They simply wanted to make sure that pedophiles do not become a protected class. Is Finke saying trans people are pedophiles or vice-versa?
Finke followed up with another tweet.
“There was never a controversy, but it didn’t matter. The lie exploded into a whirlwind of hate intended to hurt me. And it worked! Congratulations. I’m left hurt, and scared. People I thought were kind, showed otherwise. I can’t changed that. We can only move forward. Onward.”
There was no lie. What Finke still doesn’t understand is that trans people are seen as mutants by most normal people. Trans people want to be viewed as normal. It will take years of hard work by the mutants to make that happen. And until then, they will continue to accuse normal people of being hateful.
Americans have been barraged with craziness for the last 1-2-3+ years and they know that the Left is clever in slipping things into legislation. When their children are concerned, they read every paragraph and every line, and even check for punctuation. They are not the ones responsible for that. The Left is.
Finke, the chair of the Queer Caucus and the director of the Queer Equity Institute has received support from Planned Parenthood, Education Minnesota, Democratic Gov. Tim Walz, and Moms Demand Action. His institute says it wants “LGBTQ+ people” to be a “protected class in every state in the United States,” but it doesn’t say which group or groups of people the + refers to.