The EPA and the Department of Energy launched an initiative a few months ago to eradicate natural gas stoves that had spectacularly backfired.
So spectacularly that, in an unusual move, the Biden Administration backed down from their public efforts and denied any plans to accomplish what they clearly intended to do.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERBack in early April, Congressman Dan Newhouse (R-WA), published a piece on his congressional website titled: “Biden’s America: No More Gas Stoves.”
From Newshouse’s Post:
On February 1, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) proposed an “energy efficiency standard” for gas cooking products. For those who are unaware, this is a blatant backdoor attempt to ban gas appliances—at least half of gas stove models sold in the United States today would not comply with this regulation according to DOE. The American people deserve answers to stop this draconian measure that would be detrimental for families, small businesses, and rural communities across our nation.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELIn early February, DOE published a report regarding energy conservation standards for consumer conventional cooking products, which estimated only 4% of gas stove tops on the market would meet the proposed maximum rate, meaning 96% of gas stoves would fail. When I asked Secretary Granholm about these findings and inquired why the DOE initiated this proposed ruling, she responded by saying the 96% statistics was incorrect because the DOE specifically chose a test group of gas stoves which were most likely to be impacted—higher-end gas stoves. However, she also said 50% of gas stoves on the market wouldn’t be impacted—meaning the other half would be banned. Let me repeat that: Secretary Granholm admitted that at least half of the gas stove top models currently in the marketplace would be incompliant under this proposed rule.
So, the Biden administration created a regulation on gas stoves that 96% currently on the market would fail. And that never stopped the misinformation fake news media from insulting anyone to the right of Vladimir Lenin, who tried to warn people, calling it a crazy conspiracy theory. The entire fake news media went full-blown gaslighting, which usually works for their mind-numbed robotic base.
The gaslighting was remarkable, with the goal of establishing that the problem was completely the Republicans’ fault.
Gaslighters: Progressives insist it's a conspiracy theory they'd ban gas stoves
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 5, 2023
Of course, the Left has not abandoned its goal of outlawing fossil fuels; they have merely shifted tactics.
The best illustration of this is New York State, which capped off a session that was virtually an orgy of poor legislation with a ban on natural gas connections to almost all new buildings in the state. A number of municipalities have approved similar legislation, and Democrats are promoting it across the country.
And mark my words, folks, the Democrats and their boot-licking sycophants in the fake news media are going to continue to push that it’s only for new buildings. That’s the first part of the incrementalism tactic by leftists. They will get the American people used to the fact that the government can ban gas appliances in new buildings, and then when they go they go to ban all gas stoves including the ones in your home right now, they figure the American people will be less triggered because they got used to the idea.
There is no gas stove war. All natural gas appliances are under attack. Just wait until they tell America that you can’t heat your homes using gas or you can’t have hot water heated by gas.
The Democrats couldn’t get the green new deal passed legally through the legislative process, so the Biden administration has been implementing the green new deal, piece by piece, through regulations and illegal executive orders.
You have to appreciate the Democrats’ audacity in their gaslighting tactics. They never, ever admit what they are doing when chastised for some unpopular conduct. Instead, they go into “it’s a conspiracy theory” mode while telling you that it would be really nice for the thing they claim not to be doing to get done.
It’s distracting. That is precisely the point. They want to distract America from what’s really going on behind the scenes with these Marxist destroyers.
The Biden Administration has taken a lot of fire for the rise in gasoline prices at the pump, which is a result of their policies designed to undermine the domestic oil industry. Biden clearly threatened to destroy the sector during the campaign, and his current Energy Secretary despises gasoline so much that she performs a song about stopping it from being recovered.