So, Starbucks had an incident with a transgender barista who got triggered by an elderly woman who must have said “yes sir” to a guy who claims to be a trans woman, but you decide from the video below.
Starbucks has always been difficult because you never know whether the person behind the counter is a man or a woman, even up close and sometimes even when they speak.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTEROn Sunday, April 30, an argument erupted inside a Starbucks near the ferry terminal in Southampton, Hampshire.
The trans Starbucks barista (or should it be baristo?) was fired after a video showed him/her berating an elderly woman customer and allegedly attacking a man who filmed the incident from outside the establishment.
You would be best off not using any pronouns at all if you want to avoid a headache like what this poor British woman went through, and if you guess incorrectly, you can get your butt kicked. This trans person eventually got violent with a man who was filming the incident. He was outside the Starbucks. not even on company property.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELTransgender Starbucks Employee screams at woman for misgendering him, then proceeds to violently assault a man filming the altercation.
Is this an acceptable way for staff to behave @StarbucksUK ? ☕️
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) May 7, 2023
The barista said he was offended because she didn’t address him as “her.”
But they’re trans people and they can do anything. Those are the new rules, right? Wrong. The barista was fired for what he did.
Starbucks had better beware because they are very close to making the list of corporations that crash and burn over woke executive policies. The only way to fix that is the clean house and start over.