A police state is defined as a society controlled by a totalitarian political police force that secretly supervises the citizens’ activities. A state where government departments and institutions exercise an extreme level of control over civil society and liberties. Doesn’t that sound like our FBI and Department of Justice under the Biden administration?
After doing a story on the Orwellian manner in which the UK Parliament sent a letter to the video social media site Rumble.com demanding that they demonetize Russell Brand over very suspiciously timed sexual assault allegations, even though no evidence has been put forward, it got me to thinking how the UK government has gone totalitarian.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERAnd then, I began wondering if the United States is about to become a police state. And after just a little research, my conclusion is no. The United States is not about to become a police state. It already is under the authoritarianism of Joe Biden and his regime administration.
“But Rich,” you might say, “America is the land of the free and the home of the brave.” I would ask, do you really still think so?
Ask yourself this question. Do you feel safe in your own home that no one from the government is spying on you? Do you?
We know that there is technology that allows home assistants like Google’s Nest and Amazon’s Alexa that can allow someone to eavesdrop on your conversations. We know that smart TVs can also be used to spy on you. So, why not any other device, appliance, or even your children’s toys that connect to the Internet?
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELBetween apps like Pegasus and Predator, the government can spy on your smartphone, listening in on calls, and going over your emails. They can even turn on your phone’s camera without your knowledge. Totalitarian countries around the world began using them.
Americans had better wake up to the police state that the Democratic Party has been building over the last decade behind our backs, and now, right in front of our eyes.
President Bill Clinton used a program called Echelon. It was kept and maintained in England. Echelon recorded every phone call and every email. If you have spoken on the phone since the Clinton administration, your voice has been captured by the federal government.
The George W. Bush administration created the Patriot Act after the 9/11 attacks. The short description is the Patriot Act gave federal law enforcement the tools necessary to prevent terrorist attacks and/or help figure out who committed them. A longer description would include a series of surveillance laws that made it easy for the government to be able to spy on non-criminal American citizens by increasing the government’s powers to monitor your communications, collect bank and credit records, and keep track of what innocent Americans are doing when they are on the Internet.
The Obama administration then began to turn the powers inside the Patriot Act on the American people. On August 9, 2013, the Obama administration released a previously secret legal interpretation of the Patriot Act that it used to justify the bulk collection of every American’s phone records.
From the Los Angeles Times:
The strained reasoning in the 22-page memo won’t survive long in public light, which is itself one of the strongest arguments for transparency in government. As the late Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.”
Section 215 of the Patriot Act authorizes the collection of certain business records — in this case, phone records — when there are reasonable grounds to believe that the records are relevant to an authorized investigation into international terrorism. The key legal term is “relevance.”
Under this relevance standard, the administration has collected the details of every call made by every American, even though the overwhelming majority of these calls have nothing to do with terrorism. Since first learning of the program this spring, I have been a vocal critic of such dragnet collection as a gross invasion of privacy and a violation of Section 215.
The Biden administration is overloaded with authoritarian extremists who are rushing headlong to inflict unprecedented controls on all aspects of our personal and economic lives, under the guise of saving the planet from climate change and white supremacy, both subjects that are sketchy at best.
After Elon Musk purchased Twitter and declared that the platform would no longer censor free speech, he authorized what became known as the Twitter Files dumps where backroom documents were released to the public showing that the Biden administration had its tentacles all inside the social media company where they forced Twitter to censor free speech that the Democratic Party disagreed with. It wasn’t just Twitter. Every major platform censored conservative free speech that differed from the administration’s Marxist narratives.
Since then, Musk’s companies have come under government scrutiny, which is a historical hallmark of police state societies. You do something against the state and they punish you for it. This is not just happening to Musk.
The Biden administration is trying to get rid of fossil fuels and everything that uses them, things that make our lives civilized and better. When they achieve their goals, the fallout will cause a depression so deep we may never get out of it. It will cause the cost of everything we buy to skyrocket and there will be a lack of electricity, an energy source that is so embedded in our modern world that its usage has become ubiquitous.
Digital currency will end privacy in America, a blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment as your money will be stored in government databases and systems so that the government will know everything you purchase, but what’s more frightening is that the government can control how and what you purchase by electronically denying purchases using your own digital currency. “We don’t think you should buy that AR-15, so we have declined the purchase.” Don’t think it will happen?
The government keeps tabs on your bank accounts. Since the Patriot Act, the banks have to report every deposit or withdrawal over the amount of $10,000 to the government and you must justify why you need that money or where you got it from.
The Biden administration has gone one level worse. Under the guise of stopping drug deals and other nefarious acts, the administration has forced money transfer apps like PayPal, Cash App, Venmo, and others to report any transfer of money higher than $600.
The Biden administration has destroyed ordinary Americans’ relationship with banks and now cash transfer apps. Leftist knuckleheads say if you don’t have anything to hide, then why are you worried about this? That’s not the point. The point is that people don’t want the federal government to be all up in their grill over some of the most personal and private things and moments of their lives.
Laws and rules are being pumped out all the time over the climate change nonsense. The administration is determined to knock down CO2 levels even though Mother Nature has already taken care of it for us. For example, we can take a look at the amount of CO2 the USA puts out each and to around 5 million metric tons. That seems like an awful lot. However, science also tells us that in one year, every fully grown tree eats up about 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releases oxygen in exchange. In the US, as of 2023, there are 228 billion trees. Run the math. That’s nearly 11 billion pounds of CO2 that amount of trees could eat up each year. So, then why all the alarmism over carbon dioxide and climate change?
In the phoniest-named bill ever, the Inflation Reduction Act declared that the federal government would work closely with companies that will work on climate change projects, meaning an authoritarian state would take over our economy.
When you put it all together, and after going over all the facts of what this administration has done already, what makes anyone think the Biden government wouldn’t force the manufacturers of your devices, appliances, vehicles, and your children’s toys to turn them into surveillance weapons so that the government can keep tabs on every American?
The Biden administration is working to have the government control every aspect of your life with the complete removal of privacy and a Big Brother 1984-style surveillance system where you no longer feel safe in your own home to speak freely about your thoughts of what’s going on in the country.
Our police state is already here.