The following statement concerning a government shutdown is the truth. The government does not shut down. Not in the sense that politicians want you to believe would cause a calamity. I could end this piece here, but there are a lot of people out there who have been persuaded otherwise for political reasons to believe that the federal government actually shuts down, so here we go.
Today is Sunday and did you know that the government is shut down? OMG! What will we do? Calm down!
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERThe media goes along with their buddies in the Democratic Party every year to politicize a looming government shutdown. Each year, they run their stories about how children will somehow starve, the elderly won’t be able to get their medicines, and national parks will succumb to nature fighting back. It’s all a load of bunk, a game leftists play for attention. They know the government is never going to shut down.
And if their sky-is-falling scenarios were actually true, wouldn’t that mean that way too many people are dependent on the government? Would that be an admission of government failure?
So the world will not end if the dysfunctional DC government ever fails to enact a spending measure before the new fiscal year begins, which is October 1 of every year.
Social Security checks will continue to be delivered. Troops will remain stationed in place. Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements will be issued to doctors and hospitals. In fact, almost every critical government agency, such as the FBI, Border Patrol, DEA, CIA, pretty much all of Homeland Security, the Post Office, the Coast Guard, and more, will remain open. Furloughed government employees would very certainly be paid, eventually. Officers from the Transportation Security Administration would continue to man airport checkpoints.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELWhat the lying politicians fail to tell you is that over 70% of the federal workforce is considered “essential” and they continue to work. The rest of the federal workforce considers a government shutdown a paid vacation because they always, Always, ALWAYS get back pay for doing nothing. That means that close to 30% of federal workers are deemed non-essential. Why are we paying for so many non-essential workers?
Politicians, overwhelmingly Democrats, have always used a pending government shutdown to sway political favor to their side of the aisle. For example, just yesterday, Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulled a fire alarm inside the Capitol building in an effort to obstruct a vote that was going on in the House to avoid the shutdown. The penalty for doing that is up to 17 years in prison, but we know that absolutely nothing will happen because our Department of Justice has been corrupted by corrupt men, yet if it were a Republican do pulled a fire alarm, he would have been expelled from Congress and the FBI would have already started an investigation with the goal of filing charges against whoever pulled the alarm. The Democrats wanted a government shutdown to be blamed on the Republicans and if the bill was passed and went over to the Senate, then it would be on the Democrats who control the upper chamber. It was a slimy move, but he is a Democrat and I repeat myself.
The House was able to pass the bill anyway, so WE HAVE ALL BEEN SAVED FROM DOOM! Pffft
So, the next time we face a potential government shutdown, just remember that no essential services will stop, and those non-essential employees will be paid after a spending bill has been signed by the president. That’s when they probably do their Christmas shopping.