People on social media and even sports journalists are furious after seeing a young boy wearing an Indian headdress and black face paint at a Kansas City Chiefs game.
In a crazy tweet, Dan Le Batard said that the child had violated the NFL’s pledge to “end racism” by being at the game. Other low-IQ individuals have demanded that the child be banned from attending future games.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERCarron J. Phillips, a man who has to live with the fact that his parents named him Carron, asked the NFL to act. A Deadspin writer, he keyed a piece with the headline “The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress” and gave it the subtitle “They’re doubling up on the racism. Are you going to say anything, Roger Goodell?”
He called the child a racist. Let me rephrase: He called the minor child a racist.
The indignation crowd is unanimous in their belief that the youngster committed “double racism” by culturally exploiting black and Native American groups. And for doing so, he is a horrible racist, no better than the likes of that Covington kid, Nick Sandmann. In all seriousness, Carron <snicker> might want to speak to a lawyer because he trashed a minor and caused a ruckus for the child and his family. You’re not allowed to do that. Kids are supposed to be off-limits, even for left-wing lunatics who have to make things up to get a story out.
Once you get into the details of the story, you realize that the boy wasn’t dressed in blackface at all.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELThis is the featured image he used for the piece:

Deadspin intentionally misled its readers. There is no way the numbskulls only saw the photo they used for the article. And it denies belief in a Benevolent Being that the writer thinks this young man was being racist. He’s one of those leftists who aren’t happy unless they’re working to destroy someone’s life.
Carron was probably that weird kid in your neighborhood growing up who pulled the wings off of flies. You know the type.
The man named Carron wanted readers to think that a young boy was so racist that he wore blackface and a Native American headdress to a Kansas City Chiefs game to show off his racist heart.
I’ll say this; if Carron is not fired by the outlet, then it will become the next “Vice” in about two months.
As numerous fans pointed out, the other side of his face is painted crimson. Black and crimson are the team’s colors.
Here’s a better shot of what the boy looked like:
The problem for Carron and the other dip-wads on the interwebs is that this kid came off as a wholesome young man who went to great lengths to support his sports team, and the leftists couldn’t have that. Uh uh. No way. They cannot allow Americans to see normalcy of any kind. For goodness’ sake, it’s supposed to be a sports blog.
Fans have done the two-sided face paint since forever. Carron made a real horse’s rear end out of himself once the story came out that the kid was simply supporting his team and was not in blackface. And if he pulls one of those BS comebacks, saying that he did it just to make a politically cultural point, then I think the boy’s parents really should sue the rag and Carron into oblivion. What a horrible thing to do to a child!
I wish the misinformation fake news media would just let kids alone and stop trying to drag them into their twisted racist narrative.
I hope the boy is handling it well. He certainly has a majority of Americans rooting for him and condemning the ass who wrote the story in Deadspin, a name that will shortly describe the online rag if there is any justice in this world.