It should come as no surprise that the Biden-Harris caliphate has been very generous to terrorist regimes. The Taliban controls everything in Afghanistan, including the NGOs, which receive billions from various countries and the UN. Biden-Harris has already given the Taliban at least $1.7 billion in aid, and now the Inspector General says that they may have given the Taliban an additional $293 million. Since the caliphate refuses to turn over the records it is required by law to do, it is unknown how much money Biden-Harris has given the Taliban.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR NEWSLETTERIn the two years since the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan following the Biden administration’s withdrawal of American forces in 2021, it has become increasingly clear that the terrorist group views international assistance as a “revenue stream,” according to SIGAR’s latest report.
The United States Institute of Peace recently warned the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the primary vehicle for U.S. spending in Afghanistan, that the Taliban is “pushing for ever-increasing degrees of credit and control over the delivery of aid.” United Nations officials also disclosed to the watchdog that “the Taliban have effectively infiltrated and influenced most UN-managed assistance programming.”
This reality is raising questions about the nearly $2 billion in funds the Biden administration has made available for disbursement in the country. As U.S. aid money flows to the country, “Taliban interference with NGO work escalated, leading to a steady decline in humanitarian access in 2023, with a 32 percent increase in incidents between January and May 2023 as compared to the same period in 2022,” according to the report.
In fact, in three years, Biden-Harris has been the biggest financier of terrorism. They have handed over $90 billion to Iran. This despite the fact that they bankroll Hamas, Houthi, Hezbollah, and many other terrorist groups around the world. They have also restored huge sums of cash to Palestine. President Trump stopped the flow to Palestine because the terrorists used that money for terrorists and the families of suicide bombers.
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELA recent audit report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) shows that the Biden-Harris regime bypassed mandatory vetting on money sent to Afghanistan and in all likelihood, the money went to the Taliban. The audit, covering the period from March 2022 to November 2022, found that 2 of the 5 State Department bureaus failed to retain necessary documentation and did not follow the required vetting procedures.
This lapse raises serious concerns that extremist groups, including the Taliban, may have profited from $293 million in U.S. taxpayer funds.
The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) were unable to provide sufficient documentation for their programs in Afghanistan.
This failure means that SIGAR could not confirm whether these bureaus complied with State’s partner vetting policies, risking that funds could be misused or fall into the hands of terrorist-affiliated organizations.
This oversight comes at a time when the Taliban is reportedly establishing close ties with newly registered Afghan NGOs, raising fears that these entities could be funneling American aid directly into the hands of extremists.
Since the Taliban’s takeover in August 2021, there have been alarming reports of their efforts to secure U.S. funds intended for humanitarian assistance. SIGAR highlighted that over 1,000 new national NGOs have registered under the Taliban’s Ministry of Economy, many of which are suspected to be fraud and have links to terrorist activities.