Jake Tapper should be paid what he is worth, but unfortunately, we have a minimum wage law. His latest failure came in an interview with the prepared Stephen Miller Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy. Tapper tried to use the most debunked argument against Trump’s mass deportation policy. He asked Miller, who would pick the crops. Miller pointed out that less than 1% of all illegal aliens work on farms, which means we can deport 99% of illegal aliens without affecting those who work on farms. Is Tapper a racist or just plain ignorant? You decide.
As of Tuesday, ICE has arrested more than 3,500 illegal aliens since Trump was sworn into office last week. And with Homan in charge, that number will increase substantially in the coming years. The arrests and deporting of illegal aliens began on the first day under Trump.
“The Department of Agriculture says that between 2020 and 2022, 42% of crop workers were undocumented immigrants and in many cases as you know do the jobs many Americans do not want to do. So, how does President Trump make sure that the effort to deport people who are not in this country legally doesn’t end up hurting Americans that want safe borders, absolutely, but also, don’t want to see even more higher prices in groceries?”
Miller promptly owned Tapper in replying:
“Well, I mean, I’m sure it’s not your position, Jake. You’re just asking the question that we should supply America’s food with exploitative, illegal alien labor.”
VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL“I obviously don’t think that’s what you’re implying. Only 1% of alien workers in the entire country work in agriculture. The top destination for illegal aliens are large cities like New York, like Los Angeles and small, industrial towns, of course, all across the heartland as we’ve seen with the Biden influx.” None of those illegal aliens are doing farm work.”
Tapper tried again but Miller biatch slapped him down once more:
“The illegal aliens that Joe Biden brought into our country are not full stop doing farm work. They are not the illegal aliens he brought in from Venezuela, from Haiti, from Nicaragua. They are not doing farm work. They are in our cities collecting welfare.”
“As for the farmers, there is a guest worker program that President Trump supports. Over time as well, we will transition to automation so we will never have to have this conversation ever again.”
Game. Set. Match, Miller.
#illegalimmigration #trump2024 #deportthemall